Saturday, November 10, 2012

I finally have a surgery date!!

There are a few key dates during a jaw surgery journey that we can't wait to know and yesterday was one of those days for me. I called my surgeon's office to see if I could schedule and after a couple bumps I was able to schedule my surgery! I will be having my surgery on Monday, March 4th, 2013. Even though is it still almost four months away I'm glad to have an actually date and not have to tell people that I don't know or sometime next year. I have my pre-op appointment on February 13th to have my records taken and sign all the forms. Now I'll have to do is wait until February to really start prepping for surgery!!


  1. Yay! Congratulations Esmeralda:)

  2. Hooray for you! Let the countdown begin :)

    1. Thank you! Now I just need to figure out how to put a count down on here.

  3. Yahoo!! The time is going to fly by :) I'm so exciting for you!!

    1. I hope it flies by too! Thank you! I'm excited to read about your recovery!

  4. Congrats! Time really will fly by. The extra five months I had to wait for my date have gone by so fast! It'll be here before you know it :)

    1. Thank you! I'm ready for it whenever it comes; you're surgery is soon next month!!

  5. Congratulations! Really pleased for you :)

  6. Best of luck to you! I'll be having jaw surgery around the same time you are! I've been in braces for a year, and am so ready for the process to be over. I'm on waiting lists to see if I can get my surgery moved up to February, rather than March. I'll be starting a blog soon too! I know the waiting games sucks, but we're almost there!

    1. Thank you! Can't wait to start reading your blog, let me know when you start it. What kind of surgery are you getting?

    2. I'm getting upper and lower jaw surgery, as well as genioplasty (chin implant). I finally got the blog up last night! Feel free to follow along. Looks like we'll be recovering at the same time!
